“Yoga is a powerful vehicle for change. As you build strength, you start to believe in your own potential.”

-Tiffany Cruikshank

Photo Mar 13, 9 59 47 PM

Through the RTY Ambassador program, we provide qualified and willing individuals the training and support they need to start a new RTY program in their geographic location. This also provides an opportunity to implement a project while living abroad.


Ambassador work is three-fold:

  1. Project Implementation: Project management is one of the most valuable skills you can learn. During this phase of the project, we work closely with the ambassador to find an institution in which to offer the classes (this may be a school, a children’s hospital, a juvenile detention center, an NPO that serves children, etc.) Then, we assist you in creating a project plan, addressing obstacles, and working out the logistics.

  2. Teaching Roots Tribe Yoga: Teaching yoga to children is fun, challenging, and extremely rewarding. We foster your teaching by providing you with a curriculum, a brief RTY-specific training, and a plethora of resources including games, meditations, breathing exercises, yoga postures, creative ideas, and further resources in the form of books and websites for your to further your own knowledge.

  3. Sustainability: Training a replacement and creating a program that is sustainable is of utmost importance. The best way to train someone is to have them join you, to work together, and to give them more and more control over a period of time. This way, as they learn, and as they become more comfortable, they are empowered with the ability to take over when the time comes. The process can also be extremely rewarding and fulfilling.

“Relative to our children or any children with whom we would interact, our one dominant intention would be to give them a conscious understanding of how powerful and important and valuable and perfect they are. Every word that would come out of our mouths would be a word that would be offered with the desire to help this individual know that they are powerful. It would be a word of empowerment. We would set the tone for upliftment and understand that everything will gravitate to that tone if we would maintain it consistently.” -Abraham Hicks